Driving at night is both scary and dangerous. The fear of driving in the darkness is more prevalent among new drivers, the experienced drivers are, however, not an exception since most concur that driving at night is not the best experience. The night-drive challenge is compounded by unconducive weather conditions such as fog, rains, and storms. This, according to research by various bodies, is the leading cause of accidents on the roads. Here are some of the most useful tips to guide you through a safe night drive.
Correct use of Headlights
Darkness largely reduces visibility. Put on the lights immediately you realize that you are struggling to see your path and other road users. To enhance their performance, always keep your headlights clean and focused.
The headlights are designed to improve your visibility but not to intimidate other motorists. Use the beams enough to enhance your visibility and not impair the visibility of others. Dip your lights to avoid dazzling oncoming drivers. Additionally, in case you are dazzled by oncoming motorists, slow down to avoid a collision.
Do Not Directly Look at the Lights
If you look directly at the light of incoming motorists, you will lose track, and your vision will be impaired. Some drivers will not dip the lights for oncoming motorists, always look on the left side and drive at manageable speeds. Courtesy is vital on the road, always lower the lights when you notice an oncoming motorist! When on a rural road, you can comfortably use full beam and only dip when a car is approaching
Avoid Too Much Light inside the Car
Dim the dashboard and switch off the map lights if not in use. Too much of the light from inside your vehicle will significantly impair your forward sight. All you need at night is improved vision, and anything against the betterment of your vision is your best enemy! Avoid the excess dashboard lights and be safe.
Keep your Mirrors Clean
Clean mirrors prevent glare on your eyes. The dirt in the external mirrors unevenly reflect the lights from other vehicles in a wide and diffused manner. This will lead to glares that impair your vision. Additionally, ensure that you can clearly see what is happening outside the car. It is sometimes necessary to lower your mirror a bit to have a clear view of what happens and avoid colliding with objects that are not visible at night.
Stay Alert and Focused
Driving at night requires maximum concentration and focus. Avoid activities that will reduce your concentration levels including; excessively engaging conversations; eating and drinking; talking on the phone while driving. Your primary role is to drive, and all other things should be done impairing and with a lot of caution. Do not take alcoholic drinks when driving!
Take Regular Breaks
Driving at night is energy-draining, and you may need to refresh and regain your energy. The drive requires high concentration which makes you tired: Taking a break is necessary.
When you realize that you are completely worn out and sleepy, stop driving and sleep. You may even find a hotel room and take a good rest.
Monitor Your Speed
Due to the reduced visibility at night, it is paramount that you reduce your speed to allow a quick response to an emergency. Also, ensure that you don't drive too close to the motorist ahead of you. This will reduce the nervousness and improve your reaction when a problem occurs with the driver ahead of you. Driving too close also impairs your visibility as more light will bounce back to your eyes.
Do Not Wear Dark Glasses
Wearing dark glasses decrease your visibility at night. If unnecessary, they should be avoided to reduce the chances of being involved in ugly road scenarios.
Safety while driving at night is a must. You need to be extra-careful to avoid accidents. If you value your life; which everyone does, implement the suggested tips for a guaranteed night safety.